Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Repariing Duraibility Equipment

Ethereal items have a durability attribute that decreases after a certain amount of damage is given or sustained. Durability is repaired by combining the ethereal item with an Ethereal Stone and Ethereal Recovery Stones.

Ethereal Stones repair the durability of ethereal items.

Ethereal Charge Stones are used to charge an ethereal stone.

Ethereal Restoration Stones can be used to restore an item with 0 or 1 durability.

Recharging Durability
  1. Buy either an File:Ethereal_Stone_Icon.PNG Ethereal Stone or a Big Ethereal Stone. (Available in the Merchant NPC), Think of this stone as a bag to store Durability for further use.
  2. Buy some File:Ethereal_Charge_Stone_Icon.PNGEthereal Charge Stone. This will be used to extract the Durability from any Ethereal equipment and store that dura in your Ethereal Stone
Proceed to combine those 2 stones with any Ethereal equipment as follows: 
File:DruaGuide1.jpgThe Ethereal Equipment used will be lost.
Repeat the procedure till your Ethereal Stone is fully charged.
note that ethereal equipment recharges far more dura points than non dura equipment
3. Once the Ethereal Stone is charged you can use it at any time to recharge the Durability of any Ethereal Equip
4. Buy some File:Ethereal_Recovery_Stone_Icon.PNG Ethereal Recovery Stone and combine as follows:
Add as many Recovery Stones be needed to fully recharge the durability, in this example, 62 are needed.
That's it. Now your equipment will be fully charged and ready for action.
Be sure to check the Durability status of your equipment, because if it drops to Zero your equip will be Broken.

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